
Uprooting presumption March 7, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — earthslang @ 9:06 pm
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My walk slowed to intention’s pace

At the international airport.

But it was too late to refund the tickets

To the land of drug trafficking and street violence,

Police inaction except in corruption,

And contempt for the relics and progeny of European invasion.

But I’d never felt such unaffected acceptance

Or happened upon such passion to learn and predilection to teach.


I almost turned around at the metal detector

When I saw the hard-faced guard.

Billy club in one hand

And a sneer in what could have been a pretty voice.

And when I saw you behind glass handcuffed to your shame,

I knew that I’d never seen such

Patent remorse,

Refutation of pretension,

And will to live.


I was intimidated

By a bad rumored neighborhood.

Eyes from the windows and around the block

Glared into my white face.

And projected suspicion and mistrust

Onto newcomers.

But I’d never had so many people

Watching my back.

And I’d never seen

so many people hugging.


I was so nervous

Walking into that nursing home

Of craggy grins, drooling mouths, and drooping eyes.

Wafer bodies and wrinkling hair

Antiseptic corridors with hard green carpet and

Remiss hope,

Lost minds,

Deferment of death.

But I’d never heard so many people

Speak the stories of life with such vibrance

Or foresee the future with such promise.